New Year Goals 2019

new year goals 2019

Every year (especially in Jan) we create a new set of goals for the upcoming year. While I do think this is an important step for personal and career growth, I find a major piece often seems to be missing when it comes to these new year goals. I want to share this missing element with you as well as my personal and business goals for the New Year. PS: this posts gets deep, consider yourself warned.

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New year posts can be redundant as most of us are striving to be healthier, leaner/stronger, and happier. While these predictable goals are definitely on my list (again) I have goals for the new year that are a bit more intimate and challenging that I would like to share with you. Every year as I am considering new goals to set, I reflect on the year before to see what I achieved and what I slacked on. While doing so, I noticed one crucial step was missing from last years goals, implementation. I had goals, dreams, and plans but no definitive way to achieve these things.

logo, melissa roberts interiors, New year goals 2019, new year goals, new year, goals, business goals, personal goals, new year 2019, how to achieve goals, self love, self love books, love yourself

It came to me at that point; this is a mistake we often make when setting goals in life, big or small. Coming up with the idea is easy, how to implement it can be the challenge. I want to list all my goals as well as the ways I plan to reach them. I hope this helps you set a few goals or at least get you thinking about how to accomplish your own goals.

Personal Goals

While sitting on the airplane concentrating on my goals for the new year, I was struggling to find a stopping point for this list. I have so many goals I want to achieve this year, but I want to share the more intimate (and more challenging) ones with you.

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The world is evolving, and times are changing, what’s the big deal? It can be very difficult to be a spiritual person these days with all the judgment and politics surrounding us daily. As you know, I am a (proud) Christian. I don’t hide my religion, but I realize I also don’t talk about it enough either. I have a great platform to help spread His word and hopefully encourage others to be strong Christians as well. No, I am not turning my blog into a faith blog, but I do want to give glory to God and keep my tribe with me on my spiritual journey.

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1. Daily time with Him & no distractions 

  • Read His word
  • Daily devotionals
  • Prayer

2. Acts of kindness

  • Spread love and kindness
  • Give without expecting anything in return
  • Be there for loved ones

logo, melissa roberts interiors, New year goals 2019, new year goals, new year, goals, business goals, personal goals, new year 2019, how to achieve goals, self love, self love books, love yourself, boss babe, how to be a boss babe, reach your goals in 2019, 2019 goals, boss babe goals, interior design goals, how to reach your goals, the key to reaching your goals, boss babe goals, personal goals


We have a well-behaved son. I lucked out, and I know that my luck will run out eventually. People always say that I am a great mom based on the manners and behavior of Maddox. I can’t take credit. As a mom, I try really hard to have strict rules and enforce them (I don’t let him get away with much). While this may be a good start, it doesn’t put me in the “good” mom category. I want to do better by being more present. MRI took off into a larger business than I ever imagined which has left me being a slacker mom. How do I plan to change that?

logo, melissa roberts interiors, New year goals 2019, new year goals, new year, goals, business goals, personal goals, new year 2019, how to achieve goals, self love, self love books, love yourself

1. Devote quality time with Maddox

  • No distractions from work
  • Arts & crafts, board games, playing
  • Remember to enjoy these moments before they’re gone

As a wife, I have also dedicated too much time to work. I plan to set a stricter schedule with “normal” work hours. As an entrepreneur, it can be challenging to set strict work hours, but I plan to answer emails, texts, and calls during regular business hours unless its an emergency.

New years goals, new year, goals for the new year, new years 2019, Family Christmas Pictures, christmas card, christmas outfits, christmas home tour, photoshoot. christmas photoshoot, christmas time, christmas pictures, christmas family outfits

1. Intimacy

  • Closeness
  • Bonding
  • Family time
  • All the kisses
  • Prayer

2. Dates

  • We love day dates (do this more than once a month)
  • Anniversary Vaca
  • Exercise together


The struggle is real. I am not overly confident, nor do I love much about myself. I do know that my heart is pure and I am a genuine person. 2018 tested me at one point, and I let a couple of people make me feel worthless and wonder about my purpose here on earth. Prayer got me through the tough times, but I never want to let people make me feel this way again. I want to love myself the way my family and God love me.

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1. Know my purpose

  • Daily reminders myself of my self-worth
  • Prayer
  • Devotionals

I have always felt as though I am “different”. I want to accept this in 2019 and use it to my benefit.

2. Acceptance

  • Don’t compare myself to others
  • Believe in my capabilities
  • Don’t let others hurtful words affect me
  • Know my value

God created me just as He wanted me. As long as I live by His word and do as He asks, I am doing just fine. I need to remind myself that it is okay to be me and to love myself for the qualities that I have. My boys are the most supportive and inspiring people I could ask for. Thank you, Nick and Maddox.

Favorite ‘Self Love’ Books & My Bible

Business Goals

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WOW! What a beautiful year I had. So many people to thank. I owe this to all of my clients who believed in me and challenged me to learn and grow. Thank You! My 2017 business goals were all met which was an exciting realization. While I do think that I can continue to improve on each of these things I am happy to have made some big changes. Well, here comes the list of goals for 2018:

1. Increase social media presence and engagement

  • Currently, I post 5 days a week. Let’s make that 7
  • Scheduled time on IG for 1 hour daily
  • Prepare material 1 week in advance (minimum)
  • Converse and grow relations with the IG community

New year goals 2019, new year goals, new year, goals, business goals, personal goals, new year 2019, how to achieve goals

2. Photo Image Quality

You may have noticed this in my 2017 goals. I made some big leaps, but I want to get even better at some of this

  • Photo class (Best Buy offers free classes)
  • YouTube videos
  • Utilize editing software (Photoshop)
  • Learn how to edit using this software

3. Monthly Newsletter

  • Create a solid plan
  • Send to subscribed followers as well as clients
  • Include what’s happening with MRI and what the future holds

4. Weekly Blog

  • Have these planned a month ahead of time
  • Create useful content followers can utilize
  • Learn more about SEO by reading articles and doing quality research
  • Ask IG/FB what (and their why) they want to see from me in the next couple of months and plan accordingly

5. Outstanding Customer Service

  • Quick reply to emails
  • Reasonable but quick turnarounds
  • Quality control

6. Organize bookkeeping

  • Utilize QuickBooks
  • Organize receipts

7. Collaborations

  • Reach out to brands with confidence
  • Promote myself with confidence
  • Continue to only collaborate with brands I truly love and believe in

logo, melissa roberts interiors, New year goals 2019, new year goals, new year, goals, business goals, personal goals, new year 2019, how to achieve goals

And here’s a sneak peek of the new MRI logo. I will be sharing all the details with you soon! Keep an eye out for a full office reveal coming soon!

Shop The Office

2019 is going to be another fantastic year. I not only have my goals set but have a plan in place to achieve each one. Don’t skip this step this year and see if you can meet all of your goals too. Let’s do this together! Happy New Year!!

logo, melissa roberts interiors, New year goals 2019, new year goals, new year, goals, business goals, personal goals, new year 2019, how to achieve goals, self love, self love books, love yourself, boss babe, how to be a boss babe, reach your goals in 2019, 2019 goals, boss babe goals, interior design goals, how to reach your goals, the key to reaching your goals, boss babe goals, personal goals



  • Amber

    6 years ago

    Love, love, love this!!! You are so inspiring. I’m so proud to call you my cousin. It’s impossible to think anyone would try to tear you down. Kuddos to you for showing them who’s boss. Keep it up, beautiful.

  • Lisa Smith

    6 years ago


    I love the transparency!! Your goals hit home for me as well. Sounds like you have been reflecting and have made a plan of prioritizing what most important at this time in your life; this is amazing self-awareness.

    I’m inspired be the clear path and direction you have set-forth. Thank you for sharing your authenticity and a very loving being!


  • Rebecca Weischwill. Frenchcourtyard

    6 years ago

    You made me cry!!!!! And so excited at the same time.
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful blog.
    I have a small business and share some of the same difficulties.
    If everyone could have these wonderful goals in my and their lives what a community we could be.
    I going to print this out and read it every day.
    Thank you

  • Dora Cortez

    6 years ago

    Love everything about this post! Such a good point by point reminder of how to honor and plan our intentions. Turning intentions, into plans that help us attain our goals. Beautiful message.

  • Nardia Bristol

    6 years ago

    Thank you so much just reading your goals and past goal shine light into me setting and working towards my goals as well devoting more time towards my family and love one but most of all God! Thank u again

  • Adriana

    6 years ago

    You are a rockstar. Strong, beautiful, kind and so amazing. Those who don’t accept you, don’t deserve you in their life. Keep doing what you’re doing! Thank you for everything you have done for me and my dreams. You’re truly an inspiring boss mom/woman!

  • Sally Calderon @besteye4desing

    6 years ago

    I enjoyed reading your blog,your goals for 2019 are very inspiring!!! and the fact that you have the most important things in life first is going to be the key for the most amazing year!!! Congratulations and I’ll be here enjoying your page.

  • Audrey

    6 years ago

    I love this post so much!!! Thank you for being my friend and inspiring me daily!!! 2018 was so amazing and I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings!!! Love you big!!!!

  • Carrie E Whalen

    6 years ago

    Love! Love! Love! What an inspiring post!

  • Bennie Mattox

    6 years ago

    First, I want to thank you for responding to my email about painting my niche. I painted it as you suggested and it is perfect! Next, I really enjoy your Goal Setting blog for 2019 because it gave me a peek into your personality and what a sincere and genuine person you are. Your family is precious! I look forward to reading your articles this year. Best wishes for a healthy and happy—and prosperous 2019!