Tips On Organizing Your Garage

Now that we have made it to the middle of January, it is important to make sure our New Year’s resolutions haven’t been forgotten. Many people, including myself, plan to get organized in 2017. Organization is something I typically manage to stay in control of. When things around me are cluttered and organized, my brain tends to become just that…cluttered and unorganized. This makes it extremely difficult for me to be efficient.

I don’t really have a reason to spend a lot of time in our garage…thankfully! But it has been one hot mess since we moved into our new house in July. As 2017 came, I decided I would channel my energy into the garage space first to de-clutter, organize and revamp. As I was working I made three piles: keep, donate and trash. It’s important to go through items and not keep things you never use. I then sorted the keep pile into broad categories as that was sufficient enough for our needs (paint, electrical, power cords, etc). In the wall unit I wanted each drawer to be organized by function. For instance, drawer #1 was specifically for paint supplies only (which I should really just donate to some one because I do NOT like to paint).

Something else I thought would make the garage work best was to keep all bikes, toys, and sports gear close to the garage door as my son uses these items often. This avoids accidents near the cars when he is getting these items in and out of the garage. My son rides his bike almost every single day so I decided to leave his bike on the ground instead of on a hanging rack. I purchased the unit from the Container Store and the other wall tracks are from Lowes.

Overall I wanted to create a space that was easily accessible and functional but also having that sharp look. Organizing doesn’t have to be a daunting task. If you are completely unorganized, it does take planning and time to get things the way you want and/or need but once you get organized it makes functioning much easier! Get organized in 2017!!